TOS: Very simple: You pay, we ship. Any problems, we fix.
All items returnable within 30 days for any reason at all, or even for no reason at all. Instant refund upon receipt of the returned item(s) or prompt shipping of exchange (It's your choice).
If we screwed up we'll refund the return postage.
Please note: We are happy to accept checks and money orders, but we consider each product to be unsold until payment is received.
This means an item in short supply might be sold to someone else who pays immediately online before your payment is received.
To avoid this please send us an email at kentcollectibles@hotmail.com to tell us that your check or money order will be on the way shortly. Then we will hold your item for up to 7 days. After 7 days, we will return the item(s) to inventory.
And if you change your mind before paying, no problem, the order eventually just disappears. You don't have to do anything.
Any questions--fire away--kentcollectibles@hotmail.com